I'll Survive


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Somehow I always do


✧ Nate ✧

abt me : 17, Pathetic Ocean Being. He/It/Ae/Byte/Dusk/Hy + Neos. | Gay ⚣
+ : Austistic, C-DID Host, Psyhcotic, C-PTSD, ADHD

🌊LIKES🌊 Spins in bold
TLOU, COD, Music, Tattoos, Lana Del Rey, Cars, Sharks, Marvel, DC, Body Horror, Horror, Psych Thrillers, Nature, 9-1-1 Lone Star
✘ DNI ✘
Under 14, Basic DNI, Pro shippers, Anti Neos/Xenos, Endo & Tupla Systems, More


I rarely use tone tags.
I am not my source. DONT treat me as if I am.
No source talk pls.
I can be a dick at times.
I do not support Lana.
I tend to go on random infodump rants.
don't vent without permission
problematic sources


Frq and DMs are ok .
If I am in psychosis or delusions DON'T do reality checks unless asked.
I reclaim slurs.
Uses we/i interchangeably
I tend to have mood drops
I'm loud.
I game on the xbox.
Games I have: COD: MW2, RDR2, +